大家對屈原的故事肯定都是琅琅上口的吧?不用背漁父,簡單說明「這個節日是為了紀念愛國詩人屈原而生」就好,英文表達方式是the very origin of this festival was in memorial of a patriotic poet,愛國詩人的部分也可以用子句法補充說明在後the very origin of this festival was in memorial of Chu Yuan, a poet of patriotism。划龍舟競賽的習俗由試圖打撈屈原衍伸而來,可以說The act of striving to seek for Chu Yuan’s body has evolved into the annual Dragon Boat contest。
以美食為名的台灣似乎大部分的節日都與食物脫不了關係。除了接續屈原的故事談及粽子的由來,也可以大概討論一下台灣各種粽子的差異;北部粽的糯米粒粒分明,由糯米及肉類,香菇等餡料一起炒熟後包製,而南部以生糯米包裹已炒過的料再將整個粽子水煮,口感軟爛。我自己是這樣描述” People in northern Taiwan tend to fry meat, mushroom, peanuts with glutinous rice before wrapping them into rice dumplings. While people in southern Taiwan tend to wrap the fried meat and mushroom with raw glutinous rice, and then boil the whole rice dumpling.”如果外國朋友想吃,可以問他偏好哪種口感;北部粽味道香濃,而水煮過的南部粽口感較淡,一般會沾甜辣醬或蠔油,搭配花生粉及香菜食用。我個人會形容南部粽是 a sticky version of rice dumpling, recommended to eat with sauce, peanut power and coriander. 同時順便詢問他會不會對這些食物過敏“Are you allergy to any of these food?”
另一個端午節的特產就是香包,端午節在習俗上是至陽之日,配戴香包的目的是給小孩驅邪及避蟲 ”People believe that wearing fragrant sachets with herbs inside can expel the pests/plague from children.”門前懸掛艾草也是類似的目的,可以這麼說”By hanging the Chinese mugwort, people hope to drive snakes , pests and the spirit of plague away.”